How Long Does Crack Stay in Your System?

Crack is a drug that can linger in your system–find out how long it stays with you after use. Every drug is unique and will affect your body in different ways. Depending on what kind of drug you use, you might find that it lingers for longer or shorter periods of time–and this can influence how your detox process works. Crack cocaine is a type of drug that can show in your system in different ways over time. In this article, we will explore how long crack stays in your system–and how it shows on drug tests. Crack Cocaine: Explore Your Detox Process As crack leaves your system, your withdrawal period will begin. This is the time when your body can have negative side effects as your body adapts to the crack cocaine leaving your system. This particular drug can leave different aspects of your body at different times. For this reason, it can show on drug tests for different periods of time depending on what you take. How Long Does Crack Stay in Your Blood? Though blood tests are not the most common type of drug test, they are possible. If you are entering recovery or are working with authorities, you might end up taking a blood-based drug test. When this happens, you can expect that crack cocaine will show up in a blood test for roughly 24 hours. Actual times may vary depending on different body types. How Long Does Crack Stay in Your Urine? Drug tests involving urine are very common–and they can be very telling about drug use. When you submit your urine for a drug...