The Danger of Using Alcohol and Xanax

Out of all of the concoctions and cocktails of drugs that people choose to mix, Xanax and Alcohol are probably one of the worst ones. Looking back at a majority of the celebrity overdose deaths we have seen over the last decade, many of them were attributed to this lethal combination, most likely with a dash of painkillers. In more recent years, with the widespread awareness of the opioid epidemic and need for inpatient treatment, it seems as though more people are turning to Xanax and alcohol as a “safer” alternative to reach that state they are looking for but is it really safer? The Terrible Twosome Not everyone who drinks is an alcoholic, and not everyone who takes Xanax abuses it, those people make no sense to me but they are real. For those of us who do not qualify under that category, the reason WE combine Xanax and alcohol is for complete oblivion. However, apart from these two drugs being the most deadly to withdrawal from, there are also more pressing dangers to worry about the night of. Danger Number 1 - Alcohol is a sedative Believe it or not, alcohol is a depressant - it slows down the internal systems. This is why the slurred speech, the lack of coordination, and blackouts occur. Apart from those side effects, alcohol also: Slows heart rate Strains the liver Slows production of insulin Increases Blood Pressure (through widening veins as a means to release body heat) Weakens the immune system Effects hormones (skipped periods and ED!) For many hard drinkers and alcoholics, those health problems seem like something that could...

Anger and Substance Abuse

When we come into recovery, many of us have been unable to feel true emotions for a long time. However, if there is one common thread among many addicts and alcoholics, that they can admit they truly felt throughout their use, it is anger. Anger can come in many forms and can present itself differently in each person., We usually imagine the explosive drunk, who is always yelling or trying to fight. When we don’t identify with that, we probably think we don’t have much anger. I always thought that I was extremely laid back and chill until I got sober and started making my 4th step inventory. I realized how angry I truly was at everyone and everything that ever stood in my way, and how I used substances, emotional manipulation, and rationalization as a fuel to either suppress or validate my anger. Why do we use substances? This is a broad question and one that therapists and psychologists will likely attribute to some form of our upbringing. However, for the real alcoholic and addict, the answer is that it is the only thing that quiets the anger, the fear, and the anxieties in us. The thing we use to soothe us is what ends up killing us. Usually, the only option we have is to enter an inpatient treatment center or else face dire consequences because of our fear and anger.  Every person who uses substances is different, they come from different backgrounds, have different experiences, and use substances differently, but one thing they can agree on is that nothing soothed anger so much as their substance of...