Does insurance cover addiction treatment?

When you or a family member need help for addiction treatment, it can be stressful to navigate insurance coverages on top of everything else. Insurance coverage for substance abuse treatment has long been a barrier for many, even keeping people from seeking the help they deserve. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to find out whether drug rehab in Denver is covered by your insurance. Don’t let payment issues dissuade you from seeking help. Keep reading to discover more about rehab insurance options. Drug Rehab and Health Insurance Over the years, addiction treatment has become less stigmatized. Due to the Affordable Care Act in 2010, a new wave of health insurance coverage policies became available for mental illness treatments, as well as drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Many insurance packages now cover substance abuse treatment, but many factors are still at play. You’ll need to check your policy’s specific guidelines on behavioral health benefits, including on whether substance abuse treatment programs are covered. Some policies may require you to get a referral from your primary care physician before starting rehab. What it covers The Affordable Care Act outlines that substance abuse treatment and drug rehabilitation have to offer complete services under the plan, much like other medical procedures. An insurance plan will often include treatment options like: Drug rehab evaluation and detox Drug intervention Addiction treatment options and medication In-clinic visits with a physician Testing for drugs and alcohol In-home health visits Counseling and therapy services Both in-patient and out-patient drug rehabilitation options are covered by health insurance plans. With ACA-sponsored health plans, a percentage of the expenses may only...