Can I Send My Loved One to a Drug Rehab in Colorado?

Drug or alcohol addictions are serious, life threatening, and can destroy families and livelihoods. Overcoming addiction and keeping a sober and healthy life is one of the hardest things anyone can strive to do and it can often not be done without the professional help of a rehab center. One of the many problems and challenges you will face, however, is getting your loved one to actually check into rehab. Many people asked the question: can I check my loved one into a rehab center? The answer is not easy and has complex answers depending on your situation. Your relationship to your loved one matters, their physical health, their age, the severity of their addiction. Checking someone into rehab against their will is not a step taken lightly nor is it an easy or achievable one in most cases. If Your Loved One is Your Child It’s horrific as a parent to imagine that you may one day have to check your child into rehab but for many parents, it is their reality. If your child is under 18, you do have the right to check them into rehab involuntarily if you are their legal guardian, though that carries with it its own important processes. Once your child is 18 or over, the situation becomes a lot more complex. Some factors need to be met for your to involuntarily check your adult child or another adult family member into rehab: You must be able to legally prove this person has an addiction to drugs or alcohol There must be proof that this person is a danger to themselves or to...